We are constantly expanding the range of services offered, taking care of children of all ages.

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Umang School

for Children with Hearing Loss



Volunteer your skills and time to help us. It can be a life changing experience. We appreciate the diverse backgrounds, skills and perspectives that volunteers can bring to enrich the lives of our children. All it needs is commitment and heart. You can help by

  • working directly in the classroom with the children along with the teacher. Or teaching other things like dance, drama, music, puppetry, gardening, photography, computers and DTP, art, craft, sculpture, mehndi, beauty parlour course, sewing and embroidery, jewellery making, yoga, karate, sports and games, storytelling, model making, cooking and other subjects.
  • helping or teaching English, Math, Science, Computers and curriculum planning
  • preparing teaching materials – flashcards and charts, worksheets and reading books, audio visuals, power point materials, games etc.
  • fund raising
  • data gathering
  • arranging and conducting field trips
  • photographing, preparing publicity materials, films
  • helping in material development : visualization, artwork, writing, computer skills
  • designing and maintaining the web site
  • computerizing all records
  • cataloging the library
  • help in running summer classes in different areas

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